Samantha George Obituary, Member Of Correctional Officers Association of Delaware

Posted by Abbie Anker on Friday, June 21, 2024

Samantha George Obituary, Death – It is with profound sadness and heavy hearts that we share the heartbreaking news of the passing of one of our dedicated colleagues, Correctional Cpl Samantha George. This loss is not just felt within the walls of our institution, but also reverberates throughout our extended family, including her loved ones, friends, and fellow colleagues.

Correctional Cpl Samantha George was not only a colleague but a cherished member of our close-knit community. Her commitment to her duty, her fellow staff, and the inmates she served was unwavering, making her an exemplary professional and a role model for others in the field.

In these difficult times, our thoughts and deepest condolences go out to the family of Correctional Cpl Samantha George. We recognize the immeasurable pain and grief her loved ones are enduring, and we stand in solidarity with them during this trying period.

The loss of Samantha George creates a void that cannot be easily filled. Her dedication and contributions to our institution were invaluable, leaving a lasting impact on our work and mission. Her memory will continue to inspire and guide us in our commitment to upholding the principles of justice and rehabilitation.

As we collectively mourn her passing, let us remember Correctional Cpl Samantha George for her service, her dedication, and the positive influence she had on our institution and the lives she touched. We are profoundly grateful for her contributions, and we will honor her memory by continuing the important work she was so passionate about.

